Posts byCJ Kirk


Krav Maga’s Origins Krav Maga, developed by Imi Lichtenfeld, was born from necessity. Its origins trace back to the streets of pre-WWII Bratislava, where Imi and his community faced violent anti-Semitic attacks. These chaotic encounters shaped his understanding of violence: it is unpredictable, fast, and unforgiving. From these experiences came a revolutionary approach to…

Maximizing Engagement During the Dog Days of Summer: Strategies for Krav Maga and Martial Arts Schools

As the summer heat rolls in, many Krav Maga and martial arts schools experience a slowdown in attendance and new enrollments. Vacations, outdoor activities, and the general summer lull contribute to this annual trend. However, with the right strategies, you can turn this seasonal challenge into an opportunity for growth and engagement. Here’s how: 1.…


In the heart of our Krav Maga school, each evening brings with it a myriad of human experience, defined by resilience, struggle, and the quest for empowerment. Grounding Ourselves in Supporting Students Our students, from diverse walks of life, step through our doors carrying the weight of their day—be it from the…

Required Reading

In the dynamic world of self-defense, Krav Maga emerges as a beacon of adaptability and practical wisdom. Designed to prepare individuals for a range of threats, its philosophy champions simplicity, leveraging instinctive responses, and the formatting of a system with the capacity to allow Kravists to respond under pressure. Yet, this revered…


Krav Maga Worldwide’s proclamation, “Pedigree Matters. Most.”, resonates profoundly within the martial sciences community. To those well-versed in the intrinsic value of lineage, this statement reaffirms a long-held belief. Yet, for others distanced from their martial roots, it stirs discomfort, even contention, highlighting the deep divide in understanding the essence and necessity…

Updated Holiday Survival Guide

It’s November, and in just a few days, many of us will celebrate Thanksgiving – followed by Christmas (or another holiday) less than a month later. Yes, the holiday season is upon us. This year, I’ve updated the Holiday Survival Guide to include even more ideas to keep the peace and enjoy…

Brace for Impact, Prepare to Survive

At one point in my travels, I worked in consulting with a few different organizations. I spent a fair amount of time with customer value analysis – the relative perceived value of things – for corporations. And, I did some work in “futuring” – essentially the analysis of substantial trends (that if…

Joint Manipulation & Krav Maga

One of the widely misunderstood concepts of joint manipulation – as it pertains to Krav Maga – is the idea that we must apply maximum force to a joint. This can often be seen in the way many Kravist approach weapons takes, more specifically edged weapons. For our purposes, maximum force implies…

Prepare for the Fight: It’s all a Game!

Well, I was totally wrong. I have told my students to stop referring to violent attackers as adversaries for over two decades. But in researching and understanding the mechanisms and processes that unfold in a high stress situation, I’ve come to learn that everything is a competition – and your attacker, whether…

Checkmate: Parent Your Kids

My youngest son was asked to memorize a poem for school, and I thought this assignment would be a great opportunity for us to work together. However, the school made the requirement that the poem must be a published poem not written by the students. Not allowing the assignment to derail my…

Paper Tiger

When I grow up, I want to be a Paper Tiger – said no one ever. Yet, there are some – at least within the Houston area – that are on track to be exactly that. I recently received a report written from one of my newer instructors – after he had…

Power Up: Krav Maga’s Lego Analogy

I decided to post a video this week of “Liz” – a MASTERCLASS student at Krav Maga Houston – who has been actively involved in this specialized class format for a couple months now. I started Liz (and her cohort) with inside defense to a right straight punch – lots of them…

Happy Easter & Required Reading

Happy Easter to everyone. This Easter I’m reading a fascinating book by Timothy Keller entitled, Hope in Times of Fear: The Resurrection and the Meaning of Easter. Some have called Keller the C.S. Lewis of our time, and this book (although I’m only half through) is more proof of this claim. Whether…

What a TURD!

I never wanted to be known for coining the acronym TURD, even in a self-defense context, yet here we are. Violence seems to be normalizing in first world, digital economies, where it has been more recently seen as a viable means to display one’s displeasure (or commitment) – depending on the context. …

Master the Basics

Moving quickly, I continued prepping for a 12-student carbine class on a crisp, sunny February morning at a private shooting range tucked in somewhere between Austin and Houston, Texas. The class was set to launch in approximately 45 minutes at 0900 hours sharp. Time was not on my side. With staple gun…

What is a Life Well Lived?

Shifting gears this week…here is something on which to think. A life well lived is a life filled with purpose and meaning. Did you know that a single human cell contains more instructions than all the books in the Library of Congress? To put this into perspective, that’s over 39 million books…

The Three Fundamentals of Power Striking

A student asked me last week about the fundamentals of striking. My responses surprised him in some respects. What about you? Platforms – your platforms (and how you arrange them for optimal collaboration) create the basis for developing speed and power in a combative. Essentially, your shoulders, hips and feet must support…

Five Skills That Save Lives

While there are many skills and intentions that can save your life in a violent encounter or scenario, these five skills reign supreme. Situational Awareness: Training your mind to observe your environment, the context of the world around you at any one time, and what seems out of place can save your…

Black Belts Build Good Habits

I have been researching and writing about habit formation for my students for nearly 12 months now. And, one of the most interesting things I have found is the idea of environment being a primary driver of habit formation. In essence, your environment determines what you pay attention to (by default), and…

Success is an Insistence of the Mind

As we start the New Year, 2022 holds more promised than ever. What do you want for yourself this year? I hope your intention is filled with self improvement ideas, layered with self awareness and self management efforts that allow you to truly choose your path – and no longer be held…

Holiday Safety Rules

This holiday season, stay safe with these suggestions that cover both online and physical shopping, and remember to rely on Krav Maga Houston for your gift giving. Nothing says love like the gift of personal safety, confidence and community. Contact James for our Top 10 Holiday gift giving ideas at [email protected]. Only…

Kids: The Words, Warning, Whomp Protocol

One of my sons had come home from school recently after being pushed repeatedly on the playground during a soccer game at recess. He disengaged and withdrew from the situation, which seemed like a fine choice to me. But he knew – even at a young age – that this (or something…

How to Get Shot (and How to Avoid it)

I hosted another Simunition event last Saturday, and I was working with a highly diverse group of Kravists in terms of age, sex, and training experience. For those of you unfamiliar with Simunition – it is a set of self-defense and training products that includes a specialized barrel and slide that fits…

Learn Differently-Reverse Engineering

I recently began teaching my Master Class students various weapon threat defenses by starting and focusing on the “break & take.” To my surprise, the students appreciated the detail often developed around the addressing of danger being applied to the break & take technical aspects of the defenses. My surprise was more…

Reach Out to Veterans Now!

I’m calling on our entire community to share this video – as much as you can – to reach out to veterans throughout our country. As Afghanistan crumbles into disarray and our government bungles the U.S. withdrawal, calls to veteran hotlines are at an all-time high. We need to reach out and…

A Vision for Violence

It never fails. Every time I bring up the concept of having a “vision for violence” in my Krav Maga classes, I get some pretty confused looks. And it’s no doubt, the idea is (on its face) foreign and even uncomfortable to consider. But I’m not referring to a vision for how…

Krav Maga Sticky Hands?

If you have previously studied Gung Fu (Kung Fu) or Silat, you may have trained a skill-based drill often called “sticky hands.” And while the application in defense (and eventually as a trapping mechanism) may not be the Krav Maga approach, adapting (not adopting) the skill itself in specific circumstances (defenses) may…

Self Defense the Three Ps

People frequently ask me about Krav Maga as my choice of martial discipline and more specifically, self-defense. I have rank in several arts, including Gung Fu, Jujitsu, Balintawak, and Moo Do Kwon – and dabbled in several more disciplines. Frankly, I love them all, and they all have a place in the…

Krav Maga Perfection

Through the years, students have asked me what it is like to perform a perfect defense – and/or to have mastered Krav Maga. This type of question typically comes up during the first few months of training. The short answer is…I have no idea. I’ve never performed a perfect defense, nor do…

Top Krav: The M/O Matters Most

THE AWAKENING Something spooked the gunman. He spun back around at me in the midst of his retreat with a sense of urgency. He again raised the pistol – leveling it at my chest from no more than 30 feet away. And then…nothing…nothing happened. The gunman turned the pistol slightly in his grip and looked…

ALL STRIKER – Your Personal PhD

This coursework has been a long time in the making. And, as I look over the landscape of how self-defense is being taught, I believe the need for this course (as a powerful supplement to self-defense training) is long overdue. Before I go on, each of you reading this article can do…

Effective Striking for Self Defense

Join Kravoloy’s first ever online class taught by Chief Kirk – All Striker! Learn the most powerful and useful striking combinations for self defense in Kravology’s first of several personal PhD programs! Don’t miss this! To be blunt, there is much more than subtle nuance between the proper and effective approach to…

Review: Never Split the Difference

The book, Never Split the Difference, written by Chris Voss (formed FRI International Kidnapping Negotiator) is a compelling and entertaining read. Voss is part instructor, part storyteller – and he certainly has more than few stories to tell. Along his storied career, Voss learned and developed (with his FBI resources) a system…


I’ve never completed or attempted a MURPH before. The workout named in honor of Mike Murphy (known as his favorite workout), Medal of Honor recipient and one of several SEALs killed in action during operation Red Wing (and brought to world wide attention through the story told by a surviving teammate, Marcus…

Optimize Your Krav Maga Training

Over the years, I have expanded my thinking and approach to Krav Maga – both teaching and training. What was once a simple physical expression of aggression is now much more. As you consider your own Krav Maga training, ask yourself these questions and seek the answers over a period of weeks…

Emergency Alert Update

I’m unhappy to report that the suppositions made in the March 26th Kravology article “Emergency Alert” have come to fruition, and as states everywhere continue to reopen (creating more mass gatherings) – the attacks on innocent Americans will continue. Increase your awareness now! The COVID lockdowns have done nothing but exacerbate the…

The Most Basic Basic

Fundamentals are the foundations of nearly everything we do, and in Krav Maga this holds true also. In fact, the most basic fundamental in Krav Maga (and many other movement disciplines) is weight transfer. Without this skill set, the best you can do is hop on one foot. But proper weight transfer…

Stress Changes Everything

The seminar last weekend started out light…dry work and then some slow partner work to acquaint the class with the defensive movements that would be required later in the day. It seemed simple enough. However, when stress enters the equation, the entire dynamic shifts – in three words…stress changes everything. I had…

Stuck Defending the Knife

So…I rant and rave a little in this video from the inane, “hold my beer” comments that we have received on YouTube in the past few weeks. I was unaware of the depth and breadth of the YouTube trolls – mainly folks living with their parents lipping off about things they clearly…

The 80/20 Rule

Pareto’s rule – 80/20 – suggests that there is a division of labor (and/or production) in the natural world where 80 percent of the output (production) is achieved by 20 percent of the input force. And while the 80/20 rule has little to do with Krav Maga, the rule can be utilized…

A Stoic Response to Easter

(Reprinted form the Daily Stoic) In the year 33, a man was put to death in a way that expresses the full cruelty of Imperial Rome. He was beaten. He was killed—on full display, after being forced to carry the weight of the tools of his annihilation to the site of his…

Tim Larkin: The Most Dangerous Martial Artist

Despite my attempts at entirely avoiding any comment on other martial systems, or sub-par Krav Maga instruction for that matter, it has become apparent this year that my goal simply will not be achieved. My frustration with elements of the martial community stem from various segments offering self-defense that is demonstratively unsafe.…

Emergency Alert

Kravist everywhere must be on alert. The COVID lockdowns have done nothing but exacerbate the mental illness that often accompanies mass shootings – or more accurately mass killings (clarifying that guns don’t kill people, people kill people in a host of malevolent and calculated ways). Specifically, mental illness, anger, and mounting frustration…

The Power of Persistence

Krav Maga Houston hosted its first test in approximately 12 months last weekend – albeit in a COVID minded format. What stuck me about the level one and level two testers in the first 45 minutes of the testing was how sharp both groups looked. The instructors/test graders went on to again…

Turn Down the Sound

It’s really frustrating that so many people are taken in (that is, fooled) by fast talking martial arts instructors. I should know; I’ve met my fair share of these folks over the past 23 years. Their stories are more varied than you can imagine, but they all have one thing in common.…

Mask Mandate Quandary

Here in Texas, the COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted this week. As martial artists and instructors, specifically in states currently lifting mandates, we must thoughtfully consider our response. No matter how you respond, there are large segments of your student base that will be upset. That’s what leadership is…making difficult decisions based…