Tag Archives: COVID-19

Emergency Alert Update

I’m unhappy to report that the suppositions made in the March 26th Kravology article “Emergency Alert” have come to fruition, and as states everywhere continue to reopen (creating more mass gatherings) – the attacks on innocent Americans will continue. Increase your awareness now! The COVID lockdowns have done nothing but exacerbate the…

Emergency Alert

Kravist everywhere must be on alert. The COVID lockdowns have done nothing but exacerbate the mental illness that often accompanies mass shootings – or more accurately mass killings (clarifying that guns don’t kill people, people kill people in a host of malevolent and calculated ways). Specifically, mental illness, anger, and mounting frustration…

The Power of Persistence

Krav Maga Houston hosted its first test in approximately 12 months last weekend – albeit in a COVID minded format. What stuck me about the level one and level two testers in the first 45 minutes of the testing was how sharp both groups looked. The instructors/test graders went on to again…

Mask Mandate Quandary

Here in Texas, the COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted this week. As martial artists and instructors, specifically in states currently lifting mandates, we must thoughtfully consider our response. No matter how you respond, there are large segments of your student base that will be upset. That’s what leadership is…making difficult decisions based…