Tag Archives: March of the 300

March of the 300: Part IV

The video update below continues to mark the process of covering 240 miles of work over an eight-day period on an elliptical. As you might imagine, the process provided me plenty of time to think. As I considered my young boys and my older children, I was able to access some clarity…

March of the 300: Part III

In the videos below, I’ve crossed the halfway mark of the 240-mile, 8-day march. I can almost taste success. My legs and knees are holding, and my muscles are actually starting to feel stronger. There’s a palpable momentum that’s washing over the entire process. Here’s the issue: there’s still a ton of…

March of the 300: Part II

This week, I’m sharing another video from my crucible – 240+ miles in 8 days on an elliptical. I’m not entirely sure that I can adequately convey with words the things and thoughts I was feeling during the process. What I hope is that something I said during these moments of reflection…

March of the 300: Part 1

In the Battle of Thermopylae, made famous in modern society by the movie 300, King Leonidas marches with 300 of his most fierce warriors from Sparta to the Thermopylae – also know as the Hot Gates. The march for Leonidas and his warriors was an attempt to stall the pressing and massive forces…