Tag Archives: Motivation

Connect To Meaning

In the video below, I’m musing about the profound connection between the Krav Maga community – instructors, students, advocates, and staff. In my view, there really isn’t a higher calling than being a teacher who advocates for others. Hope you enjoy…

Start Your New Year’s Resolutions Now: Part 1

The data simply doesn’t lie. Every year, on or about January 1st, millions upon millions of people across the globe make resolutions for the start of the New Year. By February, nearly 85% of these resolutions have been abandoned. As the year progresses, these numbers rise and the percentage of people reporting that…

Take a Stand

In today’s world, where so much of what we see and hear is wrapped in someone else’s agenda; where the spin about what’s happening in the world around us never stops – it’s vital to take an inventory of what is truly important to each of us. Today, I’d like you to…