Tag Archives: goals

Paper Tiger

When I grow up, I want to be a Paper Tiger – said no one ever. Yet, there are some – at least within the Houston area – that are on track to be exactly that. I recently received a report written from one of my newer instructors – after he had…

Master the Basics

Moving quickly, I continued prepping for a 12-student carbine class on a crisp, sunny February morning at a private shooting range tucked in somewhere between Austin and Houston, Texas. The class was set to launch in approximately 45 minutes at 0900 hours sharp. Time was not on my side. With staple gun…

Black Belts Build Good Habits

I have been researching and writing about habit formation for my students for nearly 12 months now. And, one of the most interesting things I have found is the idea of environment being a primary driver of habit formation. In essence, your environment determines what you pay attention to (by default), and…

Top Krav: The M/O Matters Most

THE AWAKENING Something spooked the gunman. He spun back around at me in the midst of his retreat with a sense of urgency. He again raised the pistol – leveling it at my chest from no more than 30 feet away. And then…nothing…nothing happened. The gunman turned the pistol slightly in his grip and looked…