Category: OpWOD

The Operational Workout Of the Day/Week/Month (OpWOD) is a series of exercises designed to develop your specific capacity to function as a Krav Maga practitioner – enhancing physical fitness, work capacity, explosiveness, and/or stress response. Watch for the myriad of diverse workouts by checking back often.

Held at Gunpoint: How Nathan Turned the Tables

In the noteworthy republication of Nathan’s compelling story, I had the privilege of delving into a conversation with him, a dedicated Krav Maga Houston practitioner who faced a harrowing ambush and gunpoint threat in his own driveway. The significance of Nathan’s narrative lies not only in the chilling encounter itself but, more importantly, in…

Darren Levine Exclusive Interview: Part 3

Kerry Kirk: Darren it is so good to see you again. We are excited to have you back in town for the Houston seminar. Part I and II of your interview have been very well received, and I appreciate that you are taking the time to answer more questions. KK: Can you tell me…

The Beginning of the Beginning: My Krav Journey

Krav Maga has Changed the way I Approach Life for the Better I have trained in Krav Maga for two and a half years, and in that time, my life has changed drastically. Simply put; Krav saved me. Unless you knew me before I began Krav, you would not understand that statement. If…

The 5 Deadliest Bone Crushing Combatives Ever!

After extensive study and an assessment of real world battle-tested results, Kravology brings you an exclusive look into the 5 deadliest bone crushing combatives ever conceived – ever, at any time, throughout history, ever! WARNING: these combatives can cause immediate and deadly trauma to your adversary. Don’t even try these combatives unless you want…