Category: Topics

Krav Maga Topics

How Your Aggressive Mindset Will Impact Your Training, Recall, and Survivability in a Violent Encounter

Aggression has always been a cornerstone of Krav Maga. However, fully embracing this mindset often gets overlooked, especially when training focuses solely on mechanical movements. Students often get caught up in memorizing steps without understanding the underlying motivation. Whether you are an instructor or a student, it is crucial to constantly align your mental state…

Held at Gunpoint: How Nathan Turned the Tables

In the noteworthy republication of Nathan’s compelling story, I had the privilege of delving into a conversation with him, a dedicated Krav Maga Houston practitioner who faced a harrowing ambush and gunpoint threat in his own driveway. The significance of Nathan’s narrative lies not only in the chilling encounter itself but, more importantly, in…