Tag Archives: Shooting

The Threat is Real

It’s Time to Recognize That Active Shooting Events are Becoming a Social Norm in Some Segments of Society Today, in Houston (where I live and train), an active shooter managed to open fire in a grocery store parking lot in the early hours of the morning, striking between six and nine people before…

Active Shooter 3: Final Thoughts

You Can Survive and Active Shooting and Gunshot Wounds For the past few weeks we have examined statistics and encouraged training around active shooter scenarios. This week we are concluding with some final thoughts regarding mindset and survival – should you ever find yourself in such an unfortunate circumstance. I want to briefly mention…

Active Shooter Part II: Taking Action

Take Action when a Shooting Attack Starts While active shooter situations remain relatively rare, our recent examination of the FBI report indicates these unfortunate events are occurring more frequently. Only proper training—both mental and physical–can help prepare you for an active shooter encounter. In researching this piece, it seems mentioning the Run, Hide, Fight…