Tag Archives: Krav Maga training

Train Like You Fight, Fight Like You Train: The Story of One Student’s Real-Life Survival

In the unforgiving world of self-defense, the concept “train like you fight, fight like you train” isn’t just a motivational phrase—it’s a critical tactic for survival. When confronted with an imminent threat, our bodies act on primal instinct and ingrained muscle memory, not rational thought. The science behind this concept is indisputable: the more we…

How Your Aggressive Mindset Will Impact Your Training, Recall, and Survivability in a Violent Encounter

Aggression has always been a cornerstone of Krav Maga. However, fully embracing this mindset often gets overlooked, especially when training focuses solely on mechanical movements. Students often get caught up in memorizing steps without understanding the underlying motivation. Whether you are an instructor or a student, it is crucial to constantly align your mental state…

Caveat Emptor

The term “caveat emptor” has never been more aptly applied than to the self defense industry – where fly-by-night outfits and instructors try to convince the unknowing public that they have the solution to all their safety needs. The problem is…very few of these people have the background or knowledge to really…