In part three of this series, I want to invite you to consider your resolutions and goals within a framework that supports prioritization of those goals, perhaps even a stage gate for each to either pass through as worthy or be discarded as unworthy.

One of the most well known methods for assessing goals is to use the SMART method. SMART stands for:

SPECIFIC: Are your goals specific enough to clearly articulate, plan for and track to completion?

MEASUREABLE: Are your goals stated in a way that you can measure progress and clearly know that you have achieved them?

ACHIEVEABLE: Are your goals, after great effort, within your grasp?

RELEVANT: While many people I’ve spoken to over the years see this as the least important element of SMART planning, this is perhaps, most important. Why? Because, the more relevant the goal, the more powerful your motive for achieving the goal will be as you effort to achieve it. If you’ve done any coaching with me, you know that checking your goals against your ETHOS is a powerful way to ensure alignment in this regard.

TIME BOUND: Are your goals time bound? Can you point milestones and a projected completion point for your goals?

An example of a well-defined SMART goal is:

I will take charge of my health by losing 20 pounds (making my total weight 110 pounds) by January 25th, 2019. I will achieve this goal through 30 minutes of daily exercise and by only eating MIND BODY FUEL three times a day until January 25th, 2019.

As you read through the goal above, notice that each of the SMART domains is represented. As you craft your goals for 2019, ensure you prioritize and cull your goals to align with the SMART process. You can do this!

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