Set Your New Year’s Resolutions using These Ideals

As we approach the New Year’s holiday, I’d like to invite each of you to consider making a few resolutions. And, along those lines, I’d like to remind us all of a simple and powerful ideal:

There’s nothing worth having that doesn’t require work.

My advanced training students recognize this very important, universal, and immutable fact of life. These students show up for class, put in the time and effort, and remit more than the average monthly fee for the opportunity to engage in structured work. Think about that for a minute.

With this simple truth in mind, as we consider our resolutions, we must also consider and assess the amount of work each resolution will require before we create an insurmountable laundry list of goals. I’d suggest, based on the size and scope of each resolution, to prioritize and target no more than three resolutions. This becomes a process of weighing each goal relative to its importance to you.

After you’ve done the head work, follow these seven critical steps:

  1. Write each goal down: Some studies report that those folks who write down their resolutions are five times more likely to succeed.
  2. Ensure each goal is measurable: You can’t manage what you don’t measure, so articulate each goal in measureable form.
  3. Develop milestones: Mini-goals will keep you on track and focused; always focus on a goal or personal test that’s just a week or two away on the calendar. Your motivation will remain intact.
  4. Tell some one to keep yourself accountable: Accountability may be the most powerful tool you have in meeting or exceeding your resolutions.
  5. Plan and track progress: Creating a roadmap for success is a powerful way to visualize, implement, and refine the work needed to meet your goals.
  6. Create a habit by making a daily plan for the first 30 days: Planning for success means developing a work habit, so plan your first 30 days of work and ensure you follow your plan.
  7. Celebrate: Take time to consider each victory along the road to your ultimate goal. The celebration will re-enforce your motivation and boost your attitude.

In the final analysis, remember it’s simply not worth having is you’re not working for it. So, plan your work, work your plan, and go for it!

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